About Ingrid-Maria

Ingrid-Maria is an Integrative and Eclectic Psychotherapist and member of the BACP, and subscribes to their ethical code of conduct.

Ingrid-Maria's specialises in emotional and relationship well-being and seeks to promote embodied self awareness for clients, to feel at home in their bodies and use not only the mind for guidance but also have awareness of feelings, sensations, emotions and personal inner and outer boundaries. Clients with a past of childhood issues, be it neglect, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, etc. are most welcome to contact her. Also current day issues relating to past and/or present relationships, work situations, friend and family problems, body image, relationship issues with oneself, emotional ups and downs etc.

Ingrid-Maria is also an experienced Practitioner, Supervisor and Senior Teacher for the Somatic discipline of Rosen Method. She is a Member of the International Body of the Rosen Institute, where she served both as a Director, Vice President and as the chair of their Ethics Committee for many years. Ingrid-Maria co-founded the Rosen Method UK training centre in 2004.

Therapeutic Services by video conferencing or in person:

Psychotherapy: There are times in life where things can get too much - stress, redundancies, illness, loss of a loved one or there could be problems at work or in relationships. Many people talk about how they feel to friends or family to relieve some of this stress, but finding an independent person to listen and support can help to foster a level of deeper insight and personal development.

There are also a number of difficult issues such as panic attacks, suffering depression, phobias, etc. that can severely limit enjoyment of life that may be addressed by a talking therapy. Some clients suffer issues around body image, self esteem, not feeling 'inside' the body or disconnection to sensations, feelings and emotions, and may be helped by having a supporting individual working through some of their particular issues.

Some people experience more long terms issues of having had to cope and learn to live the effects of having suffered sexual abuse in childhood, traumatic experiences of many kinds, received unstable or unloving parenting, bullying, or other deep wounds to their person, by no fault of their own. Some people may be recovering addicts (alcohol, drugs, love, sex, co-dependency) and receiving regular sessions may be helpful in supporting recovery, in addition to working with Sponsors.

Whatever your issue may be, you can book a preliminary 10-15min free consultation to discuss what you would like to achieve by attending therapy. Sessions costs £70 for a 50 minute by video conferencing calls or telephone. Please note that Bedfordshire in person prices is £65 per session. 

If you feel you would like to work with me but you are financially challenged at this point in your life, some concessionary fees may be available upon request. 

If you would like some more information or if you wish to enquire how you can book an appointment in Bedfordshire you can contact me here.


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